Create a Life Plan

At some point in our life—most likely after the most productive years of our lives have past, we will look back on the time that we had and evaluate what we’ve accomplished. In hindsight, we will be able to see the choices we made and the paths they carved in the world and we will likely ask ourselves a few big questions:

  1. What impact did my life make?
  2. Did I use my time on the most important things?
  3. What could I have accomplished if I had done something different?

No one wants to look back at the end of their life with regret. We want our life to matter–we want to have made a difference by being here and hopefully to leave a lasting impact. To have lived a life of significance.

A life of significance doesn’t happen on its own though. We hope that it will, but we often let other peoples expectations, priorities, and influences consume our life until it’s over and we look back at our life regret. If we are going to live a life of significance we need to know what that looks like and have a plan to pursue it. If you want something, you are going to have to do something; in order to do it well, you are going to need a plan. In short, if you want to have, you need a plan. The Five Circle Life Plan is an option for creating that plan and we offer it as a resource to our clients to help them create that plan. Click here to find out more.

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